Live a Life of Connection
Live a Life of Connection: Do You Pop Your Soul into Hiding Mode?
Want to wreak havoc on your mental and spiritual health? Then disconnect from relationships; from community; from your tribe. Humans can act a lot like turtles when we feel threatened. A turtle will pop its head inside its shell to protect itself, and we can be just like a turtle in that we can tend to isolate ourselves by popping our souls into hiding mode.
But did you know that God, in His magnificent wisdom and love, designed you and I for relationships? When we isolate ourselves from people, we are working against how God designed us, causing harm to our emotional health. Isolation is the antithesis of how we are designed and can wreak havoc on our mental and spiritual health.
When an infant’s physical needs are met but his need for love is NOT met, the infant may not thrive and may actually die. It is the same for the elderly. Covid restricted people from seeing their elderly loved ones, and as a result, the depression rate, which is already high for this population, skyrocketed. We are designed for love and that love comes from our connection with God and our connection with others. Relational attachment is foundational for healthy emotional and spiritual health. I have said to my clients time and time again, we heal through relationships. Relational connections are imperative for your emotional and spiritual health. I Thessalonians 5:11 says, “Therefore, encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.” My friend, you need to understand that you NEED to be encouraged, and you NEED to be built up. But here’s the clinker, YOU need to be encouraging someone else and building someone else up as well. It works both ways. Being in relationships is NOT optional for your emotional and spiritual health.
If you need connection, reach out to Blue Stone. We can help. Just go to www.your bluestone.
Live a life of connection! Relationships are key to emotional and spiritual health.